Positive Behavior Support (PBS)
Emerald Shores Elementary is a Positive Behavior Support School. We positively recognize behaviors that are conducive to learning! Our school-wide expectations are listed above. Please review them with your child and encourage them to follow them daily. As a school-wide reward system for demonstrating these behaviors, each child has the opportunity to earn Panther Cash that can be used to purchase admission to special events and/or special items. If a child is unable to meet the school-wide expectations, depending on the level of infraction, corrective action in accordance with Marion County Public Schools Code of Student Conduct will be implemented.
TV Broadcast Studio
Our studio televises live announcements each morning. Student recognition is featured. Students operate the entire show with supervision from Ms. Tyler. The crew consists of anchors, camera, sound and video mixer technicians, announcers, and assistants.

English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL)
For more information on the ESOL program click here.
Exceptional Student Education (ESE)
For more information on the ESE program click here.