Emerald Shores School Advisory Council

Become a SAC member! Get involved! Being a School Advisory Council member is a good way to be an important part of your child's education.

For more information, you may also contact the school at 671-4800 or access the following website -- www.florida-family.net/SAC.

A School Advisory Council is an elected committee made up of parents, staff, administrators, businesses, and community members who work together to help a school improve. By state law, school boards must establish an advisory council for each school.

The role of a School Advisory Council is to assist in the preparation of the annual budget, and in the development and evaluation of the School Improvement Plan. The SAC is the school committee that deals with issues relating to school improvement. The General Appropriations Act provides a portion of funds for use by the SAC that is to be used for implementing the School Improvement Plan.

Become a SAC member! Get involved! Being a School Advisory Council member is a good way to be an important part of your child's education.

School Advisory Council Members

Stacy Houston: Principal

Mel Poole: Business Partner

Ann Fielder: Teacher and SAC Secretary

Mollie Velez: Parent

Melanie Majors: Parent

Kim Boynton: Parent and SAC Chair

Jessica Johnson: Parent and SAC Co-Chair

Ashley Delatorre: Family Engagement Liaison

Candice Brown: Teacher and Parent

Ruben Melendez: Non-Instructional Paraprofessional

Contacting SAC

Are you looking for an opportunity to be more engaged with your school? Feel free to contact your School Advisory Council (SAC) with any comments, suggestions, or concerns. We value our partnership.

Email the Emerald Shores Elementary School Advisory Council

SAC Meeting Schedule

Date: Second Thursday of every month

Time: 3:30 PM

Place: Media Center