Last school year, 5,341 MCPS volunteers put in more than 157,624 hours of their time to benefit students in Marion County Public Schools.
Plan to be a school volunteer. There are many ways that you can help our school and students. There will be a volunteer orientation where you can sign up. Watch for information coming home. Parents and other interested persons may not volunteer until they have filled out a volunteer application. Applications can be picked up at school in the front office.
Plan to chaperone a field trip or to become a school volunteer? There are many ways that you can help our school and students.
A volunteer/chaperone orientation will be held where you can sign up. Parents and other interested persons may not volunteer until they have completed a volunteer application for approval. You must complete a new application every year. To apply, you must complete an application and attach a state Photo ID. It can take up to 3 weeks to be approved. There will be an application completion deadline. Watch for information coming home.