
Classroom Instruction

The classroom instruction at Emerald Shores Elementary is based on the expectations identified in the B.E.S.T English Language Arts and Mathematics standards. Please visit the Florida Department of Education's site for more information: Florida Department of Education

Emerald Shores' faculty and staff are proud to deliver a quality education designed to meet the needs of all students and ensure our students become self-sufficient, responsible citizens. By using the resources available throughout our district, students will be able to continue to grow academically, as demonstrated by data obtained through progress monitoring.


The iReady Progress Monitoring Assessment is administered in the area of reading, three to four times per year for all students. Teachers use this assessment to identify specific standards in reading that are strengths or weaknesses and identify student growth and progress throughout the school year.


The iReady Progress Monitoring Assessment is administered in the area of mathematics, three to four times per year for all students. Teachers use this assessment to identify specific standards in reading that are strengths or weaknesses and identify student growth and progress throughout the school year.

FasttMath is a computer- based individualized learning progression program for every student that builds fluency for math fact mastery.

Hands-On Standards is another resource where lessons target clearly stated objectives and goals for focused learning with a hands-on approach with manipulatives.