“Panthers ROAR”
Parent-Student Handbook
An Equal Opportunity School District
Save A Friend 1-877-7FRIEND (1-877-737-4363)
Important Times:
- Supervision Begins: 7:20AM
- Breakfast: 7:20AM
- School Begins: 7:35AM
- Dismissal: 2:15PM
*Dates and times subject to change, please refer to newsletters for further information on each event.
Dear Families,
Welcome to the BEST school in Marion County for the 2024-25 school year! Emerald Shores Elementary has been educating children and serving the community for over 30 years. Your new Administration Team is experienced with numerous years of successfully leading schools. We are proud to have this opportunity to serve our Panther Family.
Our goal is to be Panther Nation Strong by creating a school environment that fosters a sense of belonging. A place where students feel safe, supported, and connected. At Emerald Shores we nurture a culture of engagement in learning for student achievement. We believe students must actively and consistently participate in their class academic activities for optimal learning. Therefore, we are embracing the district’s attendance campaign of “Be Present, Be Strong”. Attendance at school is a top priority and students will have an opportunity to receive a monthly perfect attendance incentive.
As the school year begins, parents are encouraged to visit our website at https://ems.marionschools.net/ to review many important documents such as the Family-Student Handbook, dress code policy, and the code of conduct. Additional resources are also available related to our faculty, staff and curriculum. Upcoming events and activities will also be communicated via the website.
There are many opportunities to become involved at Emerald Shores Elementary. We welcome parents to join our PTO and School Advisory Council. Parents are also invited to volunteer at the school. Contact the front office for more information.
The beginning of the school year is always an exciting time for students as they meet new friends and anticipate the learning activities their teachers have planned for them. We look forward to partnering with you to ensure a positive educational experience.
Traci Wilke, Principal
Kim Fennewald, Assistant Principal
Allison Laplante, Assistant Principal
Our Vision:
To inspire and motivate students to become passionate, productive, and honest citizens
within our society.
Our Mission:
As a team, we will build a respectful, supportive community, focused on clear communication, consistent expectations, and engaging learning experiences.
Our Core Values:
- Work as a team to build positive relationships with all.
- Focus on creating a love for learning through student engagement.
- Provide consistent social and emotional support for upholding school-wide expectations in all areas.
- Provide clear, concise, and honest communication to ensure all stakeholders are informed.
- Motivate families to be involved in student learning.
School is an active environment, accidents can happen. Additionally, children who appear well in the morning before leaving for school may become ill during the school day. Many times, parents cannot be reached because home phones and emergency numbers are not up to date. Therefore, it is VERY IMPORTANT that the school has numbers where parents can be reached. If you have any changes, please make changes in your Skyward parent account, and notify the school as soon as possible.
Accident insurance is available for an extremely low cost and is well worth the price. Your child can be covered at school and/or at home for all injuries. Forms will be sent home the first week of school.
Our school has been working diligently to increase student attendance to meet the district average of 92%. Currently our daily attendance is below the district average at 89% and we need your help!
Good attendance is essential for satisfactory progress in school. A note from home with a specific reason for absence, signed by the parent/guardian, is required following each absence within 3 days of the absence.
Students are expected to be in school and on time except in cases of emergency. Reasons for excused absence/tardy/early sign-out include:
- Personal illness (if a student is continually sick and repeatedly absent from school, the student must be under the supervision of a physician to receive an excused absence from attendance)
- Death in the family
- Medical appointment (physician’s note required)
- Court appearance by student (summons or subpoena required)
- Approved school activity
- Trips authorized in advance by the principal. If an absence is known in advance and will be more than three days, the parent or guardian should obtain an Advanced Absence form from the attendance office, please complete, and return to school. Forms must be authorized at least 5 days in advance. Advanced absences are considered unexcused unless they fall within the scope of the Code of Conduct for excused absences.
- A written excuse is due to the guidance office upon the student’s return to school. Absences are recorded on the report card and on the permanent records. The school will contact parents about absences following the criteria outlined in the Marion County attendance policy. Students who skip school or classes are subject to disciplinary action.
- Students should provide a copy of a doctor’s note to PE to be excused from an activity due to injury or sickness.
If a student is absent more than two days due to legitimate reasons, make up work will be supplied upon parent’s request. The responsibility for making up missed work rests with the student. Parents are asked to give the school twenty-four hours’ notice prior to picking up homework. Homework may be picked up in the office.
A student who has been absent five (5) or more consecutive days due to illness must present a note from a licensed physician. The principal or designee may also require a doctor’s note after 10 excused absences *whether they be consecutive or sporadic due to illness within a school year.
If a student is tardy, a parent must sign the student in at the front office. Tardiness and early sign outs are disruptive to the learning environment and can have a negative impact on student achievement. The student will receive a tardy slip to class. If a child is signed out early for any reason this will be considered tardy. (Tardy is defined as coming to school late or leaving school early.) A tardy or early sign-out will only be excused due to sickness or injury, death in the immediate family, medical or dental appointments with a note from the physician, court date, religious observance, or school sponsored activities. Other reasons such as over-sleeping, missing the school bus, etc. will be unexcused. Parents/guardians must provide a note for each tardy/early sign-out.
A student is allowed three (3) excused tardies/early sign outs within a nine-week grading period. Thereafter the school administration will address consequences for excessive tardiness and early sign-outs as outlined in the Level 1 – Corrective Measure Code, “Violation of Attendance Procedures.” Per Florida Statute 1003.02 (1)(b), regarding elementary school students; for every three (3) unexcused tardies and/or early check-outs in a semester, one (1) unexcused absence will be added to the student’s total days of unexcused absences when consideration is given for legal action under truancy statutes.
Parent Responsibility for Regular and Punctual Attendance:
- It is the parent's responsibility to see that the child is regular and punctual in attendance. Parents who willfully fail to cooperate with the school may be brought to court by the superintendent.
- Enforcement of school attendance laws and regulations is a matter of cooperation among the teacher, principal, and parents. STATUTORY AUTHORITY:30.22(2) STATUTORY REFERENCE: 232.09ADOPTED: 1/13/87
Checkouts: Parents/guardians or their designee who pick students up during school hours must follow these procedures:
- Students must be signed out in the front office prior to 1:30 p.m. (11:30 p.m. on early release days). Students who sign out early will receive an unexcused tardy unless they are sick, have a doctor/dentist excuse, or court papers.
- The Person signing out the student must be prepared to show ID. Do not be offended. This is for your child’s protection.
- Parents are not permitted to go to the classroom for their child. Teachers have no way of knowing if the proper procedures have been followed. We will call your child for you.
- You MUST indicate in “Skyward Student Emergency Information” the people who are permitted to pick up your child.
NOTE: Students with excessive unexcused absences may not be eligible for our PBIS incentives or celebrations that result in missed instructional time.
Our school recognizes students in the classroom at the end of each grading period. In grades 3-5, A and A/B grade performance are rewarded at the end of quarters 1-3. Students are also recognized for Perfect Attendance each quarter in all grades.
End of Year Awards: At the end of the school year, we will hold Pre-K and Kindergarten Bridging and 5th Grade graduation. We will limit attendance to 2 family members per child due to space. In addition, we will also host an Honor Roll Ceremony at the end of the year for students in grades 1-4 in the cafeteria to recognize the accomplishments of many of our EMS students. If your child is receiving an award, you will receive an invitation prior to the assembly, so that you may make arrangements to be there, if possible. If your child has a relative here at EMS they are not allowed to be checked out or signed in tardy to attend the relative’s awards. That awards assembly is for that grade level and family (not enrolled at Emerald Shores). Please adhere to this policy and spend time solely with the child being recognized.
Store bought birthday cakes, snacks, etc. are only allowable with advanced permission from your child’s homeroom teacher. Do not send in homemade treats of any kind. Please do not disappoint your child by planning a birthday treat at school without the teacher’s consent. This places the teacher in an awkward situation. Please do not send gifts and balloons to school on your child’s birthday. Birthday invitations are not to be passed out at school, unless every child in the class is invited. Invitations will not be delivered to classrooms.
All children will be receiving school bulletins and notices periodically that should be taken home. Some may require your signature. If your child is not bringing papers or bulletins home, please contact his/her teacher concerning this. You may expect to see a “Parent Newsletter” monthly from the principal, as well as other communications from the classroom teacher.
Bus transportation is provided for students at no cost to the parent and is available as long as the child abides by the rules of safety and proper behavior. Serious or repeated violations may cause this privilege to be withdrawn. It is a privilege to ride a school bus, not a right. County policy prohibits students from riding any bus other than their assigned bus. Getting on or off the bus other than at the student’s assigned stop is against transportation policy. Students may not ride any bus or board at an alternate bus stop other than the one assigned to them. The transportation department MUST approve any changes for any reason other than change of address. We will NOT allow a student to alter his/her normal routine unless we can verify with parents. This is for your child’s protection.
Suspension from riding the bus does not mean suspension from school attendance. Students are still obligated under state law to attend school. Parents must then provide transportation to and from school. Glass containers, animals and excessively large objects are not allowed on the bus.
Please arrange alternate transportation when it is necessary to bring these items to school. It is advisable to label all book bags and clothing as these items are often left on the bus. As per the MCPS Code of Conduct: students may use wireless electronic devices on the bus as long as this does not result in any disruption. Headphones or similar accessories must be used so the device is not audible to other students.
Bus riders are subject to the state and county rules and regulations, which are posted on each bus. To ensure a safe bus ride for all students, we ask that you review the rules with your child.
- Be on time; the bus cannot wait for persons who are tardy.
- Please be at your child’s stop at least ten minutes before and after bus-stop time.
- Stand off the roadway while waiting for the bus.
- Remain in your seat at all times while the bus is moving.
- Keep arms and hands inside the windows.
- Keep conversation with the driver to a minimum.
- The driver is in full charge and must be obeyed.
- Classroom conduct is to be observed on the bus.
- The driver and/or the school administration have the right to assign seats on the bus.
- No eating or drinking on the bus.
- Refrain from throwing articles in or out of the bus.
Dome lights on school buses are used to signal the children when they need to be quiet. Normally, this is when they are loading or unloading the bus at an intersection or a railroad crossing. This can also be done at the driver’s discretion if an unsafe condition exists.
Riding the bus is a PRIVILEGE. If this privilege is abused, the following steps will be taken:
- Drivers will keep a log documenting disciplinary measures they have tried.
- After the 1st notation on the log, a referral may be issued.
- 1st referral-Warning, parent notified, possible bus suspension
- 2nd referral-Could result in loss of bus privileges. Conference with student and/or parents.
- 3rd referral-Three-five days loss of bus privileges for repeat bus infractions.
Certain behaviors such as fighting or insubordination may result in automatic loss of bus privileges for up to ten days, and/or possible suspension from school.
If your child normally rides the bus but you decide to pick him/her up, be sure that you come to the school by 1:30 p.m. (11:30 a.m. on early release days) to let the office know. All transportation changes must have a written note from the parent/legal guardian; changes are not allowed over the phone. If a student is picked up by someone who is not on the Skyward emergency contact list must have a written note with a working phone number from the parent and/or legal guardian giving permission for that person to change the student’s transportation. If a parent cannot be contacted the child will not be released to anyone not on their Skyward emergency contacts.
Parents/guardians are responsible for the supervision of students as they travel to and from bus stops and while they wait for buses to arrive. A parent/guardian or approved adult is required to be at the bus stop with all pre-kindergarten students when the bus arrives. Pre-kindergarten students will not be released from the bus if a parent/guardian or approved adult is not at the bus stop. Any adult who is approved to receive students must be listed on the student’s Skyward emergency contacts. If there is no parent/guardian or approved adult at the bus stop when the bus arrives to receive a pre-kindergarten student, the student will be returned to the school. Students in grades K-12 are released from the bus without a parent/guardian or approved adult at the bus stop.
Cell phones and similar wireless devices may be in possession of students on campus, but cannot be visible, activated (turned on) and/or inappropriately used during regular school hours.
The District expects students to conduct themselves in keeping with their levels of development, maturity, and demonstrated capabilities with a proper regard for the rights and welfare of other students and school staff, the educational purpose underlying all school activities, and the care of school facilities and equipment. Such behavior is essential in maintaining an environment that provides each student the opportunity to obtain a high-quality education in a uniform, safe, secure, efficient, and high-quality system of education. The standards for student behavior shall be set cooperatively through interaction among students, parents/guardians, staff, and community members, producing an atmosphere that encourages students to grow in self-discipline. The development of such an atmosphere requires respect for self and others, as well as for District and community property on the part of students, staff, and community members. School administrators, faculty, staff, and volunteers serve as role models for students and are expected to demonstrate appropriate behavior, treating others with civility and respect, and refusing to tolerate harassment or bullying. Students are expected to conform to reasonable standards of socially acceptable behavior; respect the person, property, and rights of others, obey constituted authority, and respond to those who hold that authority.
When contacting the school, please state your need or concern to be directed to the appropriate person/department.
- Your first point of contact should always be your child’s teacher who will facilitate concerns as needed.
- Behavior concerns will need to be addressed with our Dean of Students.
- Academic concerns will be addressed through the Assistant Principal who oversees her child’s grade.
- Counseling or related concerns will be addressed with our School Counselors.
- ESE needs or scheduling a meeting will be taken care of with our Guidance Clerk.
Every child benefits from good parent–teacher relationships. Conferences are helpful in keeping the channels of communication open. Conferences may be scheduled at the request of either the parent or the teacher at a time agreed upon by both parties. An appointment should be made when requesting a conference with a teacher or administrator as previous commitments may have been made. Teachers are not permitted to take class time away from a group to hold parent conferences. Our wish is to meet with you in a quiet, relaxed, private atmosphere to discuss your needs or concerns.
Counseling services are available to all students at Emerald Shores. The counselors are special resource people that parents may wish to call. They hold conferences with students, parents and teachers and work with county and state agencies in carrying out a guidance program. Any student concerns or complaints may be expressed through the guidance department.
Emerald Shores Elementary School has implemented the “Positive Behavior Intervention Support” (PBIS) approach to discipline. PBIS teaches, promotes, and reinforces the behaviors that allow for a positive learning environment and to help our students become better citizens. Emerald Shores Panthers: “Panthers ROAR”
The school board, along with Emerald Shores Elementary, believe that proper etiquette, social customs, and good grooming are a definite part of the educational process. To this end, it is expected that students wear clothing to school or school functions that is neat, clean and appropriate in order to meet the standards of this educational environment. Any extreme in clothing, hair, cosmetics, jewelry, or appearance that may disrupt the normal operation of the school will not be acceptable. It is not the intention of these guidelines to usurp the authority of parents in determining what appropriate dress is and grooming for their children in accordance with the age and grade of those youngsters. The school will work with parents in encouraging our young people to assume this responsibility and to execute it sensibly as they mature. The purpose of the home and school working together should be to help students accept and cooperate with the guidelines. In view of this statement, the following rules will be in effect:
- Undergarments should not be visible at any time.
- Students are not to wear hats of any kind within the school building unless approved by the school administration for special occasions. "Hats" should be interpreted literally as "hats" or head-coverings and will include bandanas, caps, sweat bands, visors, and similar hat-like apparel.
- Students are not to wear T-shirts or other garments, or other items with pictures, logos, phrases, decals, patches, emblems, or words printed on them that are obscene or disruptive in the judgment of the school administration.
- Tops must be long enough to clearly overlap the belt line or stay tucked in during the course of normal movement throughout the day. Shirts falling below mid-thigh length will be tucked in. No bare-midriff shirts/blouses, sleepwear/ lounge wear, muscle shirts, or tank tops will be worn. Sheer or see-through tops are also not permitted.
- Garments will be secured at the waist. Shorts and skirts are permitted at all grade levels and will be mid-thigh length or longer.
- Students shall wear shoes for foot protection and for hygienic reasons while on school grounds or school transportation. Bedroom slippers are not permitted. For safety reasons, shoes with wheels and/or skates may not be worn on the school campus/bus. No high heels, backless shoes, or flip flops.
- Jewelry shall be worn in a way that does not present a safety or health hazard or cause a disruption to the education process.
- Wallet chains or dog collars shall not be permitted.
Responsibility for the student’s dress and grooming should be exercised by the home.
*These are minimum standards that will be enforced at each school. Schools have the right to set higher standards based on administrative procedures.
Many accidents occur in Physical Education when proper shoes are not worn. Tennis shoes, sneakers or any rubber-soled shoes, which can be laced or tied, would be appropriate and safe for students. Students not wearing appropriate shoes will not be able to participate in running or many other activities. This will affect their grade. Students that need to sit out of Physical Education due to illness or injury must bring a note from home. If the illness or injury requires a student to miss 3 or more days of PE a note from a physician is required.
Emerald Shores will offer an extended day program from 6:30 – 7:35 a.m. and from 2:10 – 6:00 p.m. Your child may participate in either or both sessions. The rates are reasonable and vary according to your payment plan. The afternoon session includes a snack. Parents are required to pay in advance on Fridays. Parents must carry insurance, which will cover the child in the event of an accident.
An official Marion County Field Trip permission form must be on file at the school before any child may go on a field trip. No handwritten notes or phone calls will be accepted. This is COUNTY policy. No permission slips will be accepted after the due dates. Only students enrolled in the class will be permitted to go on the field trip. Usually, the cost of a trip plus transportation cost will be charged to the student. Refunds are available for field trips on an emergency basis. You will not be refunded the cost of the bus. CHAPERONES MUST ADHERE TO BUS RULES AND REGULATIONS CONCERNING FOOD AND DRINK. NO SMOKING will be allowed during the trip in the presence of students. An approved volunteer form/proof of volunteer orientation must be on file prior to any field trips.
Emerald Shores tries to provide each student with field trip experiences during the year, which will enrich the educational process. Field trip privileges may be denied for disciplinary reasons; however, parents will be notified well in advance if their child is in danger of losing this privilege. If you do not wish for your child to go on a field trip, he/she will remain in another class and participate in regular school activities.
Students that are suspended from school or receive more than 2 referrals per semester may not be permitted to attend the field trip.
Report cards will be sent home at the end of each nine-week period for grades K-5. Progress Reports will be given to students in grades 1-5 beginning the 1st grading period. Kindergarten students will receive Progress Reports for quarters 2-4.
In recent years throughout the United States, head lice have become a problem in many schools. Your cooperation is needed to help combat this problem. If you find that your child has contracted head lice, please call the school immediately so that we can take steps to stop it. A child that has head lice must be treated. Please make arrangements to bring your child into the clinic to be re-checked and cleared to return to class. Marion County Public Schools abides by a NO NIT policy concerning head lice. The NO NIT policy is enforced to keep students’ lice free, nit free, and in school. Students are temporarily excluded from school to prevent the spread of lice caused by surviving and hatching nits (lice eggs). The family is responsible for removing all nits from the student’s hair before the student returns to school for an inspection. Absences related to head lice are limited to one (1) excused day per occurrence.
Every year, according to Florida Statute 381.0056, schools participate in a health program. Health problems may affect a child’s ability to learn or participate fully in the learning process. Trained school staff or volunteers perform the initial screenings. For any concern detected, a registered nurse will re-screen the child and if necessary, recommend a medical evaluation. The Marion County School Health Services Plan reflects the following services:
Vision: Grades Pre-K/K/1/3 Growth/Development: Grades 1 – 3
Hearing: Grades Pre-K/K/1 Nutrition: Grades 1 – 3/also on a referral basis.
Screenings find possible problems; a referral does not reflect a medical diagnosis. It does not take the place of an examination by a doctor. If you do not wish your child to participate in the health screenings, you must submit a written request, annually. Submit this request the first week of school. Parents are encouraged to call the school if they have health concerns regarding their child.
You may call the Health Education Office with Marion County Public Schools at 352-629-0137 if you have any questions. The School Health Department with the Marion County Health Department will also answer questions. Their number is 352-629-0137, ext. 2043.
In the event your child is injured during regular school hours, any medical expenses incurred are the responsibility of the parents. The School Board of Marion County does not carry insurance on students. Parents are encouraged to consider purchasing optional school time or extended 24-hour student accident insurance, offered each year through an outside vendor, for a nominal cost. Additional information on this optional coverage is available on the District homepage or by contacting your child’s school.
In case of health emergency, “911” (Emergency Medical Services) will be called and the parent/guardian will be notified immediately. In the event the parent/guardian cannot be reached, the person designated by the parent/guardian to call “In Case of Emergency” will be notified.
A lost and found area is maintained through Guidance. Parents are urged to mark children’s possessions and clothing for quick identification. We will remind students and parents to check for lost items; however, items not claimed within a reasonable length of time will be donated to charity.
*BREAKFAST will be offered to all students beginning at 7:20 - 7:35 a.m. daily. Breakfast is provided free for every elementary student. Parents are not permitted to attend breakfast.
*LUNCH period is 30 minutes long. Students are expected to conduct themselves in an acceptable manner and follow procedures and rules of behavior. Each child is encouraged to use good manners and make an effort to try new foods. Children who are disruptive during lunch may lose the privilege of dining with their classmates. A computer system is used; each child is assigned an individual number to be entered when receiving lunch. Lunch is provided free for every elementary student. We are not allowed to heat food for students who bring their lunch. A doctor’s note must be on file each year for any allergy which requires a substitution for drink or meals.
Emerald Shores strongly urges parents to administer their student’s medications at home whenever possible. If it is necessary for your student to take medication during school hours the following guidelines must be followed:
- All medications, including over the counter medications (OTC), administered in the school clinic must be prescribed for your student by a licensed medical provider. Medications must be in the original container and have a non-expired prescription label affixed to the medication.
- Medications must be delivered to the school clinic by an adult. Students may not transport medications; NO medication is to be transported on the bus.
- Our Health Clinic Assistant is responsible for dispensing medication and screening students who are not feeling well. She will contact parents if a child needs to be picked up. If you have any medical concerns, please contact our Health Clinic Assistant at (352) 671-4800. EMS has other staff members trained to dispense medication in case of the Health Clinic Assistant’s absence.
- An Authorization for Prescribed Medications form must be completed for each medication your student is to receive at school.
- Students are only permitted to self-carry certain medications (rescue inhaler, epinephrine auto-injector, pancreatic enzymes, and diabetic supplies) if an Authorization for Prescribed Medications form has been delivered to the school clinic signed by BOTH the parent and licensed medical provider.
- Florida Statute allows students to possess and use OTC, FDA approved topical sunscreen and headache medication. Products must remain in the original container, labeled with the student name and cannot be shared. A Parent Authorization Form shall be completed and delivered to the school clinic for these products.
For more information visit www.marionschools.net/healthservices
The Marion County School District does not discriminate on the basis of race (including anti-Semitism), ethnicity, color, national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability (including HIV, AIDS, or sickle cell trait), pregnancy, religion, marital status, age (except as authorized by law), military status, ancestry, or genetic information, which are classes protected by State and/or Federal law (collectively, "protected classes") in its educational programs, services or activities, or in its hiring or employment practices as required by Title IX, Title VI, Title VII, Age Discrimination Act of 1967, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Florida Educational Equity Act of 1984. A lack of English language skills will not be a barrier to admission or participation. The District also provides equal access to its facilities to the Boy Scouts and other patriotic youth groups, as required by the Boy Scouts of America Equal Access Act.
Sexual harassment is a form of discrimination which is against the law and School Board Policies 1362, 2266, 3362, 4362, and 5517. The District will not tolerate sexual harassment activity by any of its members of the school district community, including students, employees, and third parties pursuant to Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Title IX Rules and Regulations.
Questions, complaints, or requests for additional information regarding discrimination or harassment may be sent to the below designated personnel at 1614 E. Fort King Street, Ocala, FL 34471. Retaliation against an individual who files a report is also prohibited.
ADA, Title IX, and Equity Compliance: Dawana Gary, Ed.S., Director, Equity and Compliance Phone: (352) 671-7711; Email address: [email protected]
Section 504 Compliance: Kayla Coxe, Coordinator I, Exceptional Student Education Phone: (352) 671-6832; Email address: [email protected]
Student Title IX Complaints: Ann Hembrook, Ed.D., Sr. Executive Director, Student Pathways Phone: (352) 236-0562; Email address: [email protected]
The School Board reserves the right to release student directory information without prior permission of the parent. “Directory Information” includes the pupil’s or student’s name, address, telephone number if it is listed, date and place of birth, participation in officially recognized activities and sports, weight and height of athletic team members, dates of attendance and degrees and awards received. Parents objecting to this use of directory information concerning their child must notify the principal in writing within ten (10) days after the beginning of each school year.
The school system maintains permanent records on each student containing verifiable information of clear educational importance, including the student’s full legal name, date and place of birth, last known address; parent’s or guardian’s name, name and location of last school attended, demographic data, records of enrollment and attendance, courses taken and records of achievement. It may also maintain temporary information including health information, standardized test scores, honors and activities, personal attributes, work experience, teacher and counselor comments and special reports. Your child may be asked to respond to surveys conducted during the school year. If you do not wish your child to participate, please notify the school in writing.
Car riders may be dropped off beginning at 7:20 a.m. as long as adults are present to open doors for your child’s safety. Do not drop off a child until we have adult supervision.
Instruction begins at 7:35 A.M. The tardy bell rings at 7:35. A student is considered tardy if they are not in the classroom by 7:35. Any parent dropping off their child at 7:35 or later must come into the front office and sign their child in.
School is dismissed at 2:10 PM. Every effort will be made to have your child there on time. Please have your Car Rider Card displayed clearly on the passenger’s side. Students in grades 3-5 dismiss at 2:10 and arrive at the car pick up area later than students in grades K-2. If your child is late, please be courteous to other drivers and park in the adjacent parking lot until your child is escorted to you.
* Parents are not permitted to park and walk up to pick up students from the car line. All car riders must be picked up through the car pick up line.
* If your child walks home, he/she will be dismissed from the entrance of campus in the afternoon.
* If you walk with your child, please wait until buses are dismissed before entering campus.
* Car riders on campus after 2:30 pm may be taken to Extended Day- there is a $35 fee/child, payable by the family, for each drop in into Extended Day.
The School Board strictly prohibits use or possession of any tobacco product (including e-cigarettes/vaping) on district owned property, in district owned vehicles, or at district sponsored events. This includes parking lots and car rider line.
Children will always report any difficulties and/or problems to their teacher. If need be, the child can also talk to the Guidance Counselor, Dean, Assistant Principal or Principal.
With over 650 students, rules concerning the use of the school telephone must be followed by everyone. Students should not ask to use the school phone except in case of an emergency. Transportation arrangements concerning after-school activities should be made before coming to school. We will not call students to the phone except in case of extreme emergency.
The care of all books should be impressed upon students. Books are loaned to the child for his/her enjoyment and use. It is the student’s responsibility to care for them properly. To avoid the cost of replacing a textbook, please be sure to keep books in a safe place and in good condition. STUDENTS MUST PAY FOR LOST OR DAMAGED BOOKS. PLEASE HELP YOUR CHILD BECOME RESPONSIBLE BY CARING FOR ALL BOOKS.
- Have ID
- WEAR AN ID BADGE – I.D badge must be visible at all times and worn on the upper left or right side of your chest.
Emerald Shores encourages parents and other community members to become involved in children’s education through the volunteer program. There are a wide variety of needs, and all talents can be utilized. Our school is proud of its volunteer program, one of the best in the district.
To apply to be a Volunteer: ** All Volunteer applications are done online. Go to Marion County Public Schools Home page: marionschools.net then go to *Parents, Student, and Community, * District Volunteer Application and follow the link, * When you have been approved you will receive an email. After approval you will need to attend our volunteer orientation prior to participating in any school functions. Orientation scheduling is forthcoming. If you are interested in being a school volunteer and need assistance, please call our front desk: 352-671-4810 and we will assist you.
Volunteers must sign in at the front office and always wear a name tag on their chest. At the end of your volunteer time please return your badge and sign out in the front office.
The preceding information is in conjunction with Florida State statutes and Marion County School Board rules and regulations. You are reminded to become familiar with all school rules, regulations and procedures as applies to Emerald Shores Elementary School. You are expected to know them thoroughly and to abide by them at all times. Your sincere effort will pave the way for a happy and successful year. All educational opportunities will be offered each student without regard to race, sex, national origin, or handicapping condition.
EMERALD SHORES operates a school wide Title I, Part A program, which is the largest federally funded grant program for grades K-12. It is designed to provide all children that attend a low-income school significant opportunities to receive a fair, equitable, and high-quality education.
Title I funds can be used:
to hire highly qualified teachers and/or paraprofessionals,
to provide additional learning time through before/after school and/or summer programs,
to purchase extra resources such as equipment, computers, and supplemental learning materials,
to provide additional training for our school’s staff, and
to implement innovative family engagement opportunities.
You will be invited to attend our Annual Parent Informational Meeting explaining how this program is used to support your child's needs and school goals. You will also receive information about the rights you have as a parent of a child attending a Title I school. We look forward to sharing this information and other exciting news at this meeting!
Our school is committed to ensuring that regular two-way, meaningful communication is established between all family members and school staff. When families engage with schools to support their student’s learning, several positive effects can take place:
1. Students learn to read faster.
2. Students typically score higher on tests.
3. Students attend school on a more regular basis.
4. Students experience less disciplinary occurrences.
5. Students are more likely to graduate.
Opportunities for Parent Engagement include, but are not limited to: participation in developing our Parent and Family Engagement Plan, attending grade level and/or subject area specific meetings, monthly SAC (SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL) meetings, Annual Title I Parent meeting, Parent Information Nights, responding to phone calls from school, participating in the annual Parent Survey, reading and following our Student/Parent Handbook, reviewing newsletters, quarterly Report Cards and Progress Reports, referencing student agenda books, and committing to engaging in activities that can be done with their child at home.
You will be receiving a copy of our school’s Title I Parent Engagement and Family Plan. The District’s Parent Engagement and Family Plan is available in the front office or at https://www.marionschools.net under “Curriculum and Instruction” then, “Grants and Federal Programs”. Condensed versions of both plans will be made available for your review and to provide any input.
Schools are required to provide timely notice to each individual parent that their child has been assigned to or taught for FOUR or more consecutive weeks by a teacher or substitute who is not state certified. You will be provided this notification if this applies to your child at any point throughout the school year.
As a parent, you have the right to know the professional qualifications for the classroom teacher and/or paraprofessional who instructs your child. Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) allows you to ask to receive information about certification(s)/credential(s) and you can request this information at any time. Requests can be made by either contacting our front office and/or completing the online form. This form will also be sent home with your child.
The most recent version of our School Improvement Plan and the District’s Strategic Plan are available for review at any time both on the EMERALD SHORES website https://www.marionschools.net/ems, and in our front office upon request. Your input on these documents is welcomed at all times. Additionally, both the EMERALD SHORES’ School Improvement Plan and the District’s Strategic Plan are available in the front office for parents to review.
People from several groups are welcome to join our S.A.C. committee, including parents, students, community members, business partners, and school staff. SAC members must be elected by their peers. The SAC reviews issues of a school wide nature, prepares the annual needs assessment, evaluates data, helps to create and review the effectiveness of the School Parent Compact, Parent and Family Engagement Plan for both the school and district, the district and Title I budgets, and the annual School Improvement Plan. Your input matters and we encourage you to join our S.A.C. committee by notifying the front office prior to September 1st. The S.A.C. meeting minutes and other related information are available to review via our school’s website.
Parent-Teacher Conferences may be scheduled when the need arises at the request of either the parent or the teacher. Parents may schedule a conference by writing a note or e-mail to the teacher or calling the front office before or after school to set up a time with your child’s teacher. By scheduling a conference, the teacher is able to prepare individual reports, papers, etc., regarding your child. This will improve the sharing of information during the conference. During planned instructional time, teachers are working hard on supporting students master state standards and are not allowed to conference with parents during planned instructional time. We encourage all parents to set up and attend at least one conference per quarter.
Each Title I school must collaborate with parents to develop an agreement that clearly outlines the responsibilities and commitment that the parents, entire school staff, and student will share. This document is known as the School Parent Compact and assists with building and developing a partnership to help students achieve the State’s high academic standards.
The School Parent Compact is a living document, signed by the school, staff, and parent, that will be used throughout the year as parents and school staff communicate about the progress and growth of your child.
Please see your child’s teacher if you have not yet received a School-Parent Compact. If you would like to provide suggestions or input about the compact, please contact the school.
The Marion County School District invites all parents and families to visit the Title I Parent Resource Center located at 306 NW 7th Avenue. The hours of operation are Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM-5:00 PM and Friday from 8:00 AM-4:00 PM. If you have questions about available materials, please call.
The Parent Resource Center on Wheels travels to each Title I school in the district and various community events throughout the school year. Resources can be checked out from the van as well! Watch for upcoming notifications alerting you when the van will be at our school.
State Level Parent Resources
The mission of the Bureau of Family and Community Outreach (BFCO) is to empower families and communities with resources and information needed to promote a high-quality education for their children. The Bureau reaches out to serve Florida's diverse families and communities in several ways including dropout and bullying prevention, family engagement, volunteer and community involvement, faith- and community-based initiatives, mentoring/student assistance and school and instructional enhancement state grants, and the 21st Century Community Learning Centers federal afterschool grant.
For general information related to Family and Community Outreach, please call: 888-665-5055 or visit the website below:
For questions related to Parents as Teachers (PAT) or home visiting, please contact the National PAT Center directly:
Parents as Teachers, 2228 Ball Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146
Phone (314) 432-4330; FAX: (314) 432-8963 Monday-Friday 8am-5pm
For questions related to parent engagement or family engagement in education in a given school, please check at the school with your child’s teacher or with the school’s parent liaison, assistant principal, or principal.
Parent Engagement is one of the most important factors in raising student achievement! Engage with them and the school every day!